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FOF, Lucinda IMG_6545.JPG
FOF, Lucinda FoFCats_07172024_Lucinda_DSCF7429 copy.JPG

Meet Lucy: An Affectionate Beauty
Age: 9 years
Coat: Beautiful Torbie
Personality: Sweet, Shy, Affectionate

Lucy is a 9-year-old feline with a stunning torbie coat that will catch your eye. She is gentle, calm, and affectionate. Lucy loves pets and enjoys chatting with a cute little "merp" meow. When she looks into your eyes, it's hard not to melt.

Lucy lost her home due to unfortunate circumstances, which was quite traumatic for her. While she is still a bit shy and startles easily, she is getting braver every day. Lucy is looking for a quiet home where she can feel safe and loved. She will return that love many times over.

If you're looking for a gentle, loving companion, Lucy could be the one for you. The first step is to submit our online adoption application


[Bitte beachten Sie, dass wir nur an Häuser im unteren Fairfield County und in der Nähe von NY adoptieren.]

Friends of Felines, Inc., Postfach 8147, Stamford CT 06905

Telefon: 203-363-0220


Im Dienste von Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA

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